All right, some of you may have noticed the CPU errors we've been getting at MoGu--growing pains for a growing site! I have recoded the whole site to straight code instead of using the CMS I was using--not because it was a buggy CMS, but because I can't afford my own server, which is what the CMS deserved! Bottom line is you should notice a much quicker site, and no more errors! Thanks--stick around, we're growing like crazy!
if it helps...
Download Custom Razr Software and Firmware.
This section contains downloads for some of the great custom created firmware from our modders out there. Everything in this section is certified by TheMotoGuide as being quality firmware, however we assume no risk or liability--be aware, flashing your phone IS a risk, therefore you should always back up your important info first! That being said, these MP's are all created by great modders and have been tested by myself or modders whom I know and trust, so the risk is low. :)
apristel's PreModded Stock MonsterPack
.10r Firmware
10mb + freespace
No Ringers
No Pictures (except 1 wallpaper)
No Moto Skin
No Java apps
Customized Phonebook (picture view) icons
Customized Katsooba DRM
Customized Hitman Skin
Customized GPRS Text
Customized cl.gif
12 icon menu support
LP001 - English
JAL Enabled
Engineering Menu Enabled
Video Color Styles Enabled
Long Video Record Enabled (records in .mp4 format)
Note from the author:
*You're going to need to do all the usual stuff that comes with a monsterpack, like setup YOUR websession info and yada yada yada.** Remember this comes barebones, with no ringers anything, so you can put what you enjoy on it.
CREDITS: Thanks to the creator of the original hitman skin, creator of the original Katsooba DRM, DX for the font, XLR8 for the seem map, Joker for the drm help, and thanks to everyone else who is a part of .
Note from the author:
This monsterpack is barebones..meaning you'll need to toss some ringtones on there, and is for Cingular users, but will work with other carriers, although you'll need the correct websessions and mms settings.
Credits 'n Kudos aka shameless plugs
Joker - for being my test pilot, and for the CUSTOM DRM!! Good Work!! Thanks Joker!!
alokinljivos - for the killer skin and cl.gif
DXFactor - for the pretty font and drm
Archer - once again provided me with the disclaimer..even in red this time.